This 2,000-Year-Old Chinese Woman Named Lady Dai Is One Of The Most Well-Preserved Mummies In The World. Xin Zhui died in 163 BC. When they found her in 1971, her hair was intact, her skin was soft to the touch, and her veins still housed type-A blood.
Xin Zhui [ɕín ʈʂwéi] (Chinese: 辛追; c. 217 BC-168 BC), also known as Lady Dai or Marquise of Dai, was married to Li Cang (利蒼), the Marquis of Dai and Chancellor of Changsha Kingdom, during the Western Han dynasty of ancient China. Her tomb and exceptionally well preserved remains were discovered in 1968, alongside hundreds of valuable artifacts and documents, inside a hill known as Mawangdui, in Changsha, Hunan, China. Her body and belongings are currently under the care of the Hunan Museum, which has allowed occasional international exhibits.
Xin Zhui’s body and tomb are considered one of the most important archaeological discoveries of the 20th century. Besides having some of the best preserved human remains ever discovered in China, the contents of Xin Zhui’s tomb revealed much information about life in the Han dynasty that was previously unknown. The discovery continues to advance the fields of archaeology and science in the 21st century, particularly in the area of preservation of ancient human remains. Scientists in 2003 developed a «secret compound» that was injected into Xin Zhui’s still existing blood vessels to assure her preservation. Research at the Hunan Museum continues in an effort to perfect corpse preservation, using Xin Zhui as the main candidate for such procedures
No thank you
That's the worst I've seen yet
La Doncella beat this
"Well" — isn't actual to that situation word((
さて、しかし、スマホの小さな画面で、目から話して、ボーッと眺めていると、サボンの代表取締役の畠山さんに似てるわ~って、勝手に思うの。ナンデかしら。きっと、私が勝手に素敵ね~って思ってる代表取締役だからかしら?知らない女性なんだけどね。ん?似た女性をドコカで見たかもしれないけど。その似ているのはbefore で。
after だと、ナンダか合成写真かしら?とかは思うわよね。
It's not grotesque. She was angry. I'm Asian. And I got Asian mom so i know
She has a a goatee
Human pickle
Bro needs a Gatorade is what they said about the alien mummy
Actually saw the xin zhui mummy in person when i visited some family in the city of Changsha. It's in a big pit covered with glass, like at least 15 feet down. It's pretty hard to get a good look because of how many people there are and the fact that it's 15 feet below you and she aint that big, but it's still pretty cool nonetheless.
She looks like a boy to me.
Nice dark hair 👌
That's a chick?! Wtf. Looks like Kim jong Un.
Grotesquely preserved
I'm gonna have a nightmare. Regret to click this before sleep.
That’s literally like the greatest grandpa of all time
Like that’s literally he could’ve been born back when Jesus could’ve been born
How can they still bend? I was just eating baklava which her body looks like 🤷
That don’t look nothing like the corpse
I’m gonna have nightmares
Looks yummy
Of course it's soft they pickled her